Thursday, December 9, 2010

Okay, I know you're out there!

If you use my blog and love it, please become a follower!  I want to see how many people REALLY follow this blog.  I hope my posts aren't going out in cyberspace somewhere - not actually fulfilling my mission to help fellow teachers/parents/artists everywhere!  So, please, please, please become a follower ~:3) 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Magazine Christmas Trees

I am officially addicted to making Magazine Christmas trees!  I have had loads of magazine donations this year, thanks to my supportive staff members here at Halls Ferry.  Some magazines I can use with the kids and other magazines that I didn't know what to do with (like 50 copies of the November issue of Missouri Conservation???) and I am so glad I saved them for a project such as this. 
I can't take claim for this project, whatsoever!  I have to thank Martha Stewart and her video for my new addiction.  This project would work well with students because it's so easy to do.  Check out the video at

They can be painted gold like these...or left unpainted and sprinkled with glitter (which I'm going to do).  I'm making these for all the staff here at school for Christmas gifts, shhhh don't tell!  

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Welcome to Snowmen Week!

There has been a longstanding tradition at our school (thanks to the past art teacher's creativity...none of which I will claim here), Model Magic Snowpeople.  It's a fun, easy project to do, and the kids expect it every December because they bring them home and give them as gifts to their loved ones.

The main objective for this project is to create a mini-snowman sculpture that can either be displayed on its own, or used as an ornament.  Students can change the color of the model magic by dabbing watercolor markers into the clay and mixing it around.  There are endless possibilities for details that can be added to these snowpeople, and the students really get creative when making them unique.

Here are just a few snowpeople that were made this year...